Sunday 30 June 2013

Recipe 21 : Vanilla Cupcake with Buttercream Frosting

I try to make this cupcake just now and it's worth... This is the most delicious cupcake recipe. It is better than other cupcake that i've try... The buttercream is delicious too and not too sweet... Thanks to Aunty Wawa Waheeda and Aunty Auni for this recipe ;)

Roses Swirl Buttercream

Sumber :
sumber:fiza cooking

Bahan A
1 biji telur
1/2 cawan minyak masak
3/4 cawan susu segar
1 sudu kecil esen vanilla

Bahan B
2 cawan tepung naik sendiri
3/4 cawan gula kastor (boleh di kurangkan)
kalau nk muffin coklat**tambah 1sb koko powder

Bahan C
1 cawan Chocolate Chips-optional

Cara membuat

1. Satukan semua bahan A

2. Satukan bahan B dalam mangkuk adunan, buatkan lubang di tengah campuran tepung.

3. Tuangkan bahan A kedalam lubang yang di buat pada bahan B

4. Masukkan bahan C, baru mula di kacau. Kacau jangan lebih dari 20 kali untuk mendapatkan tekstur muffin yang lembut.

5. Pindahkan ke dalam acuan muffin dan bakar dalam 20 hingga 25minit (suhu 170'C) atau bergantung pada oven masing-masing.

Buttercream Frosting 

250 g shortening
125 g krimwell
125 g gula aising

1-Pukul shortening dan krimwell sehingga kembang dgn menggunakan mixer selama 5 minit.

2- Masukkan gula aising dan pukul hingga sebati.

3- Masukkan pewarna pilihan anda.

English Version

Ingridients A
1 eggs
1/2 cup of cooking oil
3/4 cup of fresh milk
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

Ingridients B 
2 cup of self raising flour
3/4 cup of castor sugar
if you want to make chocolate muffin**add 1 tablespoon cocoa powder

Ingridients C 
1 cup of Chocolate Chips-optional

1. Combine ingridients A.

2. Combine ingridients B in other bowl, make a hole in the middle of the flour mixture.

3. Pour ingridients A in the hole at ingridients B.

4. Add ingridients C, start to stir until it mix well.

5. Add the mixture into the muffin cup and bake for 20 to 25 minutes at 170 C.

Buttercream Frosting 

250 g shortening
125 g creamwell
125 g icing sugar

1.Beat shortening and krimwell until fluffy with stand or hand mixer for 5 minutes.

2. Add the icing sugar and beat well.

3.Add colour that you want and mix well.

The third trial for roses.. Have to improve this skill.. It's quite interesting to decorate but yeah need to practise more.. 

Recipe 20 : Chocolate Almond Torte

This is the recipe from Chef Ezani.. I have seen this in PastriBella Astro 105 .. I've decided to try these recipe quite long but I've try it on 29 June 2013. This torte is very delicious, it is full with almond and chocolate taste... All of you must try these. Haha. I'm so excited when Chef Ezani give her comment. She's my idol. I love her so much.

Comment from Chef Ezani ..

Bahan-bahan Torte
100g mentega
140g coklat hitam
6 biji telur, diasingkan putih dan kuning
140g badam kisar/serbuk badam
85g gula castor

Bahan-bahan Ganache Coklat
150g coklat hitam
150ml krim memasak/krim putar

1. Panaskan ketuhar ke suhu 170 darjah C. Sediakan tin pembakar kek “springform” berukuran 20cm. Alaskan dasarnya dengan kertas pembakar dan sapukan mentega di seluruh bahagian dalam tin.
2. Untuk menyediakan kek, pecah-pecahkan coklat hitam dan cairkan bersama mentega di dalam mangkuk tahan panas yang diletakkan di atas air mereneh (double boil). Kacau sehingga sebati. Biarkan sejuk seketika (5 minit).
3. Masukkan kuning telur dan serbuk badam ke dalam campuran coklat dan kacau sehingga sebati.
4. Dalam mangkuk yang berasingan, pukul putih telur sehingga kembang sedikit (soft peak). Masukkan gula kastor dan pukul sehingga kembang sepenuhnya (stiff peak).
5. Campurkan sepertiga putih telur yang telah dipukul tadi ke dalam adunan coklat dan badam. Lebihan putih telur dikaup balikkan ke dalam adunan kek dengan perlahan-lahan.
6. Tuangkan adunan kek ke dalam tin pembakar dan bakar di dalam ketuhar selama 35-45 minit sehingga kek naik dan permukaan atasnya kering. Bahagian dalam akan masih basah lagi jika dicucuk dengan lidi, tetapi tidak mengapa. Keluarkan dari ketuhar dan biarkan sejuk. Jangan risau jika kek mendap dan merekah.
7. Keluarkan kek dari tin dan tanggalkan kertas pembakar. Letakkan kek di atas pinggan hidang.
8. Sediakan ganache. Potong coklat hitam dan masukkan ke dalam mangkuk.
9. Panaskan krim di dalam periuk kecil sehingga mendidih.
10. Tuangkan krim yang telah dipanaskan tadi ke atas coklat, biarkan selama 5 minit, kemudian kacau sehingga ganache licin dan berkilat.
11. Tuangkan ganache ke atas kek.
12. Untuk menghias kek, lebihan ganache boleh disejukkan di dalam peti sejuk sehingga keras sedikit, kemudian pukul ganache dengan pemukul elektrik sehingga gebu dan bolehlah dipaipkan bentuk rosette di atas kek

English Version
100g butter
140g dark chocolate
6 eggs, separate the egg white and egg yolks
140g ground almonds/almond meal
85g castor sugar

Chocolate Ganache
150g dark chocolate
150ml whipping cream/cooking cream

1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees C. Line the base and greese a 20cm springform tin.
2. For the torte, break up the dark chocolate roughly and melt together with butter in a heatproof bowl over a pot of simmering water (bain-marie). Stir until smooth. Remove from heat and leave to cool for about 5 minutes.
3. Stir in the egg yolks and almond meal.
4. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks. Add in the sugar and beat until stiff peaks and glossy.
5. Fold in 1/3 of the beaten egg whites (meringue) into the chocolate and almond mixture. At this stage you can beat in the egg whites quite vigorously just to slacken the mixture. Fold in the remaining egg whites gently.
6. Pour cake mixture into tin and bake for 35-45 minutes until cake is risen and the top is dry. Cake will still be wet when tested with a skewer but that is ok. Remove from oven and let cool. Don’t worry if cake cracks or sinks as it cools.
7. Remove cake from tin and peel off baking paper, place on serving platter.
8. Prepare the ganache. Break up the dark chocolate into pieces and place in a bowl.
9. Heat up the cream in a pot up to a boil.
10. Pour cream onto the chocolate and leave to rest for 5 minutes. Then stir the chocolate until combined.
11. Pour ganache all over cake.
12. To decorate cake, you may chill the leftover ganache until firm, then beat with an electric mixer until fluffy. Spoon into a piping bag and pipe rosettes on cake